What are the responsibilities of each person / role?


The class teacher has responsibility for:

  • Monitoring the progress of pupils in their class and identifying, planning, delivering and monitoring the outcomes of any additional support pupils may need e.g. small group work
  • Informing the SENCo of any additional provision they are delivering
  • Setting targets and smaller steps for identified pupils and sharing these with parents at least termly
  • Ensuring that all support staff working with pupils are kept well informed of their targets and individual needs, so that they can achieve the best possible progress
  • Ensuring that the schools SEN policy is implemented in the classroom


The class teacher has responsibility for:

  • Monitoring the progress of pupils in their class and identifying, planning, delivering and monitoring the outcomes of any additional support pupils may need e.g. small group work
  • Informing the SENCo of any additional provision they are delivering
  • Setting targets and smaller steps for identified pupils and sharing these with parents at least termly
  • Ensuring that all support staff working with pupils are kept well informed of their targets and individual needs, so that they can achieve the best possible progress
  • Ensuring that the schools SEN policy is implemented in the classroom

The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo: Mrs Riley) has responsibility for:

  • Developing and reviewing the school’s SEND policy

  • Co-ordinating all the support for children with SEND

  • Liaising with other professionals who may be coming into school to help support your child e.g. speech and language therapists, Educational Psychologists, Specialist teachers, physiotherapists, social services
  • Supporting and advising class teachers and teaching assistants so that they can help children with SEND in our school to achieve the best progress possible
  • Updating the SEND register. This is a register which is kept to ensure all the SEND needs of pupils in our school are known. The four areas of need are cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; communication and interaction and sensory and/or physical needs
  • Suggesting appropriate learning programmes and interventions to meet your child’s specific needs

The Head teacher (Mr Frost) has responsibility for:

  • The day-today management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEND

  • The Head teacher will give responsibility to the SENCo and class teachers but is still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met

  • Ensuring that the Governing Body is kept up to date with matters relating to SEND
    The SEND Governor has responsibility for:

  • Liaising with the SENCo and Head teacher to ensure that they remain fully informed with regards to SEND provision and needs in school

  • Listening to, responding to and working in partnership with the parents and school to resolve any issues brought to their attention by a parent which have not been resolved through previous discussions with school staff
  •  We as a staff give reassurance to our children that we are there for them as Jesus was for his flock. We will care and look after them, we will teach them and do not leave anyone behind.