How will the school let me know if they have any concerns about my child’s progress?

At Great Paxton the progress of all our pupils is regularly monitored by class teachers and the Senior Leadership Team (SLT).  We use a range of evidence to inform us of how our pupils are progressing.


  • Formal assessments – tests

  • Children’s books

  • Discussions in class

  • Responses to teachers marking

The progress of all pupils is reviewed each half term in Pupil Progress Meetings, where teachers discuss the progress and needs of all pupils in their class, with the Head teacher, SENCo and sometimes the teaching assistant.
When a pupil is identified as not making expected progress or a concern is raised by parents / carers then some of the following actions will be taken:

  • the school will set up a meeting to discuss this with you in more detail
  • plan any additional support your child may receive
  • discuss with you any referrals to outside professionals to support your child’s learning
  •  We as a staff give reassurance to our children that we are there for them as Jesus was for his flock. We will care and look after them, we will teach them and do not leave anyone behind.