Governor Committees
Great Paxton's Governing Body consists of thirteen members:
- Three foundation governors
- Two staff governors
- Four co-opted governors
- Three parent governors
- One local authority governor
In addition to the Full Governing Body we also have three other committees:
- Standards (previously called Curriculum)
- Resources (previously 2 separate committees - Finance and Personnel and General Purposes)
- Faith Matters - (previously called SIAMs)
Standards Committee
Mr. Lee Frost
Mrs Upson
Mr. Michael Ogbechie
Mrs. Jo Lenton (Clerk)
Mrs. Nicola Cooper (Committee Chair)
Resources Committee
Mrs. Julie Edwards
Mr. Lee Frost
Mr. Guy Fairbairn
Mrs. Laura Lawrence (Committee Chair)
+1 Foundation Governor
Faith Matters Committee
Mr. Guy Fairbairn (Committee Chair)
Mrs. Julie Edwards
Rev Canon Annette Reed
+1 Foundation Governor
Staff Dismissal & Hearings Committee
Mr. Guy Fairbairn
Mrs. Laura Lawrence
+1 Foundation Governor
Appeals Panel
Mr. Michael Ogbechie
Mrs. Jo Lenton
Mrs. Nicola Cooper
Pupil Discipline Committee
Mr. Guy Fairbairn
Mrs Julie Edwards
Mrs Laura Lawrence
Salary Committee
Mrs. Laura Lawrence
Rev Canon Annette Reed
+1 Foundation Governor
Chair - Mr Guy Fairbairn
Vice-Chair - Mrs Nicola Cooper
Governor for Special Educational Needs/Gifted and Talented (including responsibility for Pupil Premium) – Mrs. Jo Lenton
Literacy and Modern Foreign Languages Governor – Rev Canon Annette Reed
Numeracy Governor – tbc
Foundation Subjects Governor – Mr. Guy Fairbairn
Child Protection Governor – Mrs. Laura Lawrence
Computing Governor – Mr. Guy Fairbairn
Equality Governor – Mr. Michael Ogbechie
PHSCE/RSE Governor – Mrs. Nicola Cooper
Science Governor – tbc
Safer Recruitment Governor – Mrs. Laura Lawrence
Link Governor for Training – Mrs. Julie Edwards
Appointed Governors for Headteacher’s Performance Management - Rev Canon Annette Reed, Mrs. Nicola Cooper, +1 Foundation Governor
Health and Safety/Medical Governor – Mrs. Nicola Cooper
Link Governor for Parish Council/ Community Room – Mr. Lee Frost
Link Governor for PTA - tbc
Governor for Initial Teacher Training – Mr. Michael Ogbechie
Governor for Looked After Children (LAC) & PLAC (Post Looked After Children)- Mrs. Jo Lenton
Governor with responsibility for Managing Governor Visits/Training– Mrs. Laura Lawrence
Governor with responsibility for the school website – Mr Guy Fairbairn
Governor with responsibility for Sports Premium – Mrs. Laura Lawrence