WELCOME TO Swallow Class
Years 2 & 3
Our class timings:
Start: 8.45am
Finish: 3.15pm
Break: 10.30am
Lunch 12pm
Teachers: Mrs Peters Monday, Tuesday and Friday am
Mrs Riley Wednesday am and Thursday
Ms Lake (HLTA Cover) Wednesday pm and Friday pm
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Moody and Ms Lake
Please see the below long term plan for Swallow Class:
To help improve your child’s reading skills we ask them to read with an adult at home for 10/15 minutes each day. Please support your child by listening to them read, asking questions about the text and helping children use their phonic skills to decode any unfamiliar words. Please record on our reading online journey (every time you hear them read) your child’s progress with this, noting down the pages read, your child’s successes or areas of difficulty. Your child’s book will be changed once you have noted in the comment box that they are ready for a new book. Please note in the early stages of reading it is important, where needed, to re-read pages/book to help build your child’s fluency, comprehension and confidence.
Homework will be set on a Wednesday and is due back on the following Tuesday. This will be set on Mathletics. Please continue to focus on having instant recall of addition and subtraction facts within 10 and 20 (yr2) and 100 (yr3). In addition to this Year 3 children will be working on multiplication and division facts for the 2 times table, then the 5, 10 and 3 times tables. We also ask you regularly practise addition/ subtraction facts and multiplication/ division facts using -The White Rose 1 minute maths App.
Phonics/ Spellings:
Spelling homework will be handed out on a Tuesday and is due in on a fortnightly basis but it is always on a Monday.
The children are expected to work between 5- 10 minutes every day on their Phonics/ spellings throughout the fortnight.
The children are expected to read with an adult for 10 minutes each day. Please support your child by listening to them read, asking questions about the text and helping children use their phonic skills to decode any unfamiliar words.
Children are welcome to complete extra home learning based on our topic.
P.E. days:
Our PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays- please ensure that your children come into school wearing their PE kits on these days.
Link to Safeguarding resources for parents from the NSPCC.
Link to Mathletics
Link to TT Rockstars
Link to Spelling Activities